Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I Admire You

There are just some people that are easy to admire. It could be for many reasons, they are super talented, generous, beautiful, sweet, or just plain strong. For those that can handle stress well, or helped you through a trying time, this card would be great:

Card Details: Digi image-Mo's Digital Pencil, Sentiment-Create with TLC, Patterned Paper-Hero Arts, Circles-Spellbinders Dies, Ribbon-Offray, Glossy Accents on Pitcher

I am linking this to the following challenges:

Thanks for visiting today! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stick Your Tongue Out!

Boy, yesterday I was in "this" mood! My day was hectic and busy, I had errands to run and jobs to be done!
I was basically on schedule until my new car decided to pull a "fast one" on me and break down!!! Yep, I heard this noise, looked around and saw GUNK all over my front tire. Long story brake line, or axel line had come loose and leaked all the grease or GUNK (as I call it) out! It was not driveable! Luckily, my Mom lives in town, so she gave my daughter and I a ride home. Thanks MOM! :)

Anyway, I was so bummed when I got home. My car was towed to the car doctor ,I mean dealership for repair and I am now using my husbands gas guzzler, truck.

So I thought this card would be appropriate for today:

Card Details: Digi Image-Sassy Cheryl's, Sentiment-Create with TLC, Patterned Paper-My Mind's Eye, Ribbon-Offray, Glossy Accents on Mirror, Border Punch-Martha Stewart, Crochet Lace-Offray

This card makes me smile! Life can throw us some curve balls, we just gotta learn to dodge them and deal with them! But for now--I WANT MY CAR! Waahh!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I Never Met a Cupcake....

I never met a cupcake I didn't like? How about you? I love chocolate on chocolate and red velvet with cream cheese, but really...any flavors are just lovely!
Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!
Wanted to share a card with you that I made over the weekend.

Card Details: Digi Image-All that Scraps, Sentiment-Create with TLC, Patterned Papers-Pressed Petals (8x8 Paper Pack), Circles-Spellbinders dies, Rhinestones-Recollections, Stickles-Ranger, Misc-Ribbon

Thanks for visiting today! Have a wonderful Monday!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to You!

Hi there! Today I am showing you a card I made for the new challenge over at Meljen's Designs Challenge Blog. This week's challenge is a "recipe". Challenge #68 is to use Ribbon, a Circle and 3 Brads on your card.  I love cutting my image out into a circle, I love ribbon, and I love brads, so this was a super fun challenge for me!!!
Card Details: Digi Image-Meljen's Designs, Sentiment-Microsoft Word, Ribbon-Offray, Circles-Stampabilities, Button-Cosmo Cricket, Stickles-Ranger, Brads-The Paper Studio, Glittered Patterned Paper-My Mind's Eye

There aren't  any new release's this week because Melissa has been on a much deserved vacation. But she has been busy creating Art Cards (ACO's) that can be seen here in her etsy shop: Meljen's Designs Etsy Shop.
Just look at some of these adorable ACO's:

Mini Original Art Card Lavender Moon ACEOMini Original Art Card Framed Froggy ACEO

She has a whole bunch one one-of-kind ACO's created just for you, by her! She is ubber talented, don't ya think?!

Have a great Thursday! Thanks for visiting, and I look forward to seeing what you create with this super fun challenge recipe!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I have a confession to make.......

I'm addicted! Yep, I'm addicted to Pinterest! I never thought I would be muttering these words, but I am! And I'm not ashamed to admit it!!!! LOL

I have found some super cute ideas, wonderful inspiration and some yummy recipes! So far I have tried 3 recipes and they have been awesome!!!

Lastnight for dessert I made these super simple Peanut Butter Cup Brownies and OH MY GOSH...they were beyond good!!! My family's favorite sweet combo is peanut butter and chocolate,so these were a hit! So yummy!!!!

I have also tried this recipe for a Jalepeno Cheese Popper Grilled Sandwich.  I will never see a grilled cheese sandwich the same ever again!
Closet Cooking: Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese Sandwich

My next recipe to try will be this one:

French Chicken Brocoli Supreme!!! :) go along with it, how about some: Home made Olive Garden Breadsticks!

My kids are begging me to make these;

Mozzarella Cheese Sticks!!!

So you see, my addiction has made me a better wife, mother and cook!!!! Some things are just okay to be addicted to!

Hope these recipes have inspired  you to try something new. I'm usually a crafter not a cook. But Pinterest has made things a little easier for me these days!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!
I'll be back on Thursday for my regularly scheduled Challenge and New Releases from Meljen's Designs.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life is Short

One more card to share with you today......
Because you can LIVE LIFE GLAMOROUSLY, as in my previous post, or...SHARE HUGS!!
Card Details: Digi Image-Sassy Cheryl's, Sentiment-Create with TLC, Patterned Paper-My Mind's Eye, Misc.-Brown Button and Chalk

Live Life Glamorously

Good Wednesday morning to you! I've been up since the crack of dawn and working on cards! I probably should have been doing laundry or some other form of "domestic work" but crafting is so much more fun...and it keeps me in a good mood!

So today I'm choosing to LIVE LIFE GLAMOROUSLY...after all, we only live once!!! {wink, wink}

Card Details: Digi Image-Mo's Digital Pencil, Sentiement-Create with TLC, Patterned Paper-My Mind's Eye, Pearls-The Paper Studio, Ribbon and Satin Flower-Offray, Border Punch-Martha Stewart, Misc. Machine Stitching

And also linking to the following challenges:

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Thursday, July 07, 2011

You Go Girl!

WooHoo! It is Thursday, and I'm super excited to show you the newest releases from Meljen's Designs, these girls definetly have Girl Power!!

The theme for this week is 2 Layers. Challenge #66 was super hard for me this week, or should I say "challenging", I love using multi-layers. is my card using a new image: Cheer Girl. I love this girly because my daughter is a Varstiy Cheerleader, so this image was super fun to use!

Card Details: Digi image-Meljen's Designs, Sentiment-Microsoft Word, Ribbon-Offray, Stickles-Ranger, Brads-The Paper Studio, Misc-Bottlecap Art

Here are the rest of the girls:
Meljens Designs July 7th Release Dispplay

I would love for you to join us in this week's challenge and show me what you come up with.
For now.......
Have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Flip Flop Fun!

Hope you are having a fabulous Tuesday! It was a great, long weekend wasn't it?! But OH this HEAT!!!'s been so hot in south texas!! All I can say is thank God for air conditioning and flip flops!!!

Speaking of flip flops, I was in a super fun swap hosted over at The Texas Darlings blog. This was their 3rd Annual Flip Flop exchange, but it was a 1st for me. I got paired up with Kristen from Georgia. She's got the cutest blog called blissfully insane. I love the way she talks about her three kids and her pregnancy. You see, she is pregnant with twin boys! Yep...twins!!!
Anyway, we got paired up together and she sent me the cutest flip flops by BeeBop:

She also sent me some yummy Red Pepper Jelly. This is my all time favorite jelly. I love it spread on cream cheese and crackers! And her town is so pretty!!!!
Thank you Kristen for a wonderful swap and thank you Becca-The Texas Darlings for letting me participate!

And so here I sit, blogging in my BeeBops!!!

Have a great Tuesday!!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

My Flower Fairy!

I'm on a roll today! I got up at 5:30 am and was in the mood to make cards!!! I made 3 cards and it felt so wonderful! Instant gratification!

I just love this image from Mo's Digital Pencil:
I'm using this card for Challenge #89-Inspired by a Book or Story. We love the book Hidden Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker.
Card Details: Digi Image-Mo's Digital Pencil, Patterned Paper-My Mind's Eye, Border Punch-Martha Stewart, Sentiment-Created with TLC, Satin Flower and Blue Ribbon-Offray, Stickles-Ranger, Misc. Crocheted lace trim, and floral pins.

I also made this card for a couple of challenges by Bugaboo Stamps. The first is their July-Anything Goes Challenge and their other challenge at

Card Details: Digi Image-Bugaboo Stamps, Sentiment-Created with TLC, Patterned Paper-My Mind's Eye, Ribbon-Offray, Stickles-Ranger, Embossing Folder-Spellbinders

Again, thanks for visiting. Have a great Saturday!!

Cupcake Sweetness!

Well, what do you know!? I'm BACK!!!! Wow, it's been a whole week since my last post. I am so sorry for my lack of posting., I've been quite the busy bee!

I'm hoping to get back to my routine of posting every day. I've been working on lots of stuff lately, so I guess that's whats been keeping me from blogging.

Anyway, enough chatting. Here's my card using a new release from Meljen's Designs.
Available at Whimsy Stamps.

Card Details: Digi Image--Sweetheart Cupcake, Sentiment--Created with TLC,
Patterned Paper--The Paper Studio,, Ribbon--Offray, Glittery Dots--EK Success, Stickles--Ranger

I am also so thankful to God for his downpour of rain yesterday evening. South Texas has been in an unbelievable drought. We got a little bit of rain about a week ago. And today, we got a really good down pour. It was so wonderful!!!!

Have a wonderful Saturday!!! And thank you for stopping by!