Cutest Blog on the Block

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Jingle Bells--Sweet Treats!

Wow!!! It's almost been a month since I last posted! Yes..I have been so busy with work and life in general. But today is my day off from the office so I decided to craft and clean!!!

I make these every year, and every year they are a hit!!

Made these this morning! Great for co-workers, bus drivers, crossing guards, friends,etc. Go ahead..spread the cheer!!!

Start with a couple of bags of these...Try not to eat too many! They are SO good!
Grab some supplies. Print out is from Beth Proud Foot's blog:
And here they are,all packaged and ready to go!
Have a great Wednesday!! It's a beautiful day out,maybe I'll go paint something!

1 comment:

Rhonda Miller said...

What a cute treat idea.